Monday, January 29, 2007 |
My thoughts once again.. |
I rarely talk about my high school life. I was a completely different person than who I am now. But I won't talk about it that much now in this post, maybe next time when I have enough energy to do it. I was a rebel. I've always wanted to be different. I used to dislike those girls who most of the time would discuss about the latest heartrobs in school and I don't want to be associated with them. I know that I'm not one of them. I used to hate boybands and listen to alternative music. I almost did not attend my high school prom since I can't stand most of the people around me. I am friends with the so-called rebels and "weirdos" (not those type of weirdos who auditioned for AI) as well, those people who would listen to rock music, environmentalists and artists (though I'm not one though).
So why I am talking about this? I talked to Lily Ann (the environmentalist that I mentioned earlier) a couple of weeks ago and it reminded me once again not to be afraid to show who I really am, to stand what I really believe and not to care what other people would think. Maybe I just missed that in myself. I hope to find it once again. |
posted by subhuman @ 1:00 AM  |
Sunday, January 28, 2007 |
Putra Jaya Trip..again |

 Since Jopay is here in KL, she insisted that we go to Putra Jaya. She got curious in the pink mosque after seeing the pictures that I posted in Friendster when I arrived here in Malaysia. She was supposed to go there on her first day in KL but since the tour that we did was no longer offered, she opted to go with me her 2nd day. Coincidentally, that day was also when the floral float parade was held so my officemates Zari, Gen and Issa tagged along.
The floating parade was scheduled to start at around 8 AM so we're supposed to meet at the Asia Jaya station at around 7 AM. Jopay and I spent the night catching up and slept at around 4 AM so needless to say, we woke up at 6:45 PM and we're late. But since we're dormers, we were both dressed in 30 minutes =)
Jopay and I arrived at the platform a few minutes and the Istara trio arrived right after the train arrived so we ran so that we can make it in the train. The same thing also happened when we boarded the train to Putra Jaya because we entered the platform 2 minutes before the KLIA Transit departed in KL Sentral. It was funny because when I entered the train, I felt that I was inside a wedding because there are laces and flowers all over the train. When we arrived at Putra Jaya, we also ran to catch up with the bus going to where the float parade was conducted so our morning was spent chasing after buses and trains.
The flower festival float parade consisted of 18 floats, representing each state in Malaysia and some company sponsors such as KFC and pizza hut. My favorite float is the one from Johor Bahru because it is made of pink roses, one of my favorites. We got a good spot at the parade so we took a lot of good pictures.
We were so hungry and tired after the parade that we ate at the first building that we saw that has food, not minding if its good or not. I was so hungry at that time I swear that I could even a rose (since its edible in the first place). After a plate of chicken rice and 2 glasses of coconut juice, I'm back on the "explorer" track.
We walked for about 2 Km to get a good view of the Prime Ministers's office and the pink Mosque. We saw that there was cruise being offered and decided to try it. We have no regrets in doing it and it was the experience that we enjoyed so far. We were brought by our tour guide in the botanical garden and another building. We learned that all the employees working in Putra Jaya were provided with a house located in that area as part of their benefits as a government employee.
After the cruise, we started to look for the nearest bus stop. While searching for it, we saw the tourist going inside the Pink Mosque who were all dressed in pink robes. So we went inside and tried the robes ourselves and checked the mosque. It was our first time to be inside a mosque. What I noticed is that it was comprised of a carpet and it has no statues at all (unlike for Catholics). After looking inside the Mosque, we took off our robes and we felt as if we took our clothes off. It was really hot wearing those clothes. Maybe I'm just not used to it.
After exploring the pink mosque, asking 3 people for directions and a few meters walk, we were able to see the bus stop (finally!!). And as usual, we chased the bus going to the KLIA Transit station and Jopay and I have no energy to chase. We were so tired!!! Fortunately, we don't have to chase the train going back to KL Sentral because we arrived at the platform 10 minutes early. On our way back to KL Sentral, we all fell asleep. It was a very tiring but fun day for us. I hope that Jopay enjoyed her stay in Kuala Lumpur =)
posted by subhuman @ 10:54 PM  |
Jopay in KL |

I was done with my original post when I accidentally deleted it. Imagine how pissed I was earlier after it happened. Anyway, I am trying to rewrite it again.Jopay, one of closest friends in college, arrived here in Kuala Lumpur last Friday early morning as the first leg of her Southeast Asian tour. She took the red-eye flight going to Kuala Lumpur and needless to say, we barely slept when she arrived. Its been 4 years since we last chatted in our PJs and its fun to remind me once again what its like to be in the dorm again.Jopay and I has a lot of things in common - we're both only child and had been brought up conservatively. In other words, we grew up as good girls. We even considered of going inside the convent at one point in our life. We also grew up in Bulacan. We went in the same college (Science) in UST in the same year. For the past 4 years in the dormitory, our nights were spent in chatting about how we spent our day at school, our classmates and professors, our dreams and of course our crushes (notice that its on the plural form haha). Even though we're working now, we still share the same experiences - our taste of "yuppie" independence and getting out of our shell, our dreams of travelling the world with our parents, getting a graduate school degree (she's a defense away from it), the pleasant and unpleasant things that we encountered in the corporate world. We only get to meet on dinner but its still not the same when we chat in our PJs while sitting on our bed with our pillows.On her first day here in KL, I was not available to explore the city with her so she did it on her own. It was amusing to hear when she told me how she haggled her souvenirs at Petaling street, how she climbed the grand staircase with 200 steps at Batu caves, how she mingled with the other solo travellers for them to take her picture, how she was awed by the marine life in Aquaria KLCC, how she negotiated the fare in the cab and how tired she was getting around KL. At 7:30 PM, Mars and I met her at KLCC to take a picture of the Petronas towers at night. We ate dinner where Jopay had Nasilemak and a bun of Roti boy. After that, we went to the fountain area outside Suria KLCC to have a good view of the tower and spent 30 minutes sitting at the park, observing the other tourist while taking their pictures. We went home at around 10:00 PM. Needless to say, Jopay and I spent the night chatting, catching up the four years when we left the dormitory. We slept at around 4 AM in the morning.We're supposed to meet Gen, Issa and Zari at the Asia Jaya station at 7 AM but Jopay and I woke up at 6:45 AM for our Putra Jaya. Dormers as we are, we were able to take a bath a dress up in 30 minutes. We need to catch the flower float parade at 8 AM. I will tell about what happened in Putra Jaya in another blog. We arrived in KL Sentral at around 4:30 PM and booked a ticket for her to go to Singapore which was scheduled to depart at 10 PM. After that, I treated her in Secret Recipe where she had a chocolate mud pie (too bad the chocolate indulgence is "already finished"). Then we went to St John's Cathedral (which ironically has the same size as the UST "Chapel") to hear the anticipated mass. The mass ended at 7:30 PM and went to Mydin to buy her pasalubongs. Needless to say, we were such in a hurry packing up and downloading pictures from her camera when we arrived home at 8:30 PM and fortunately, we were able to catch the train.Overall, it was a nice to be reminded again of how lived my college life and honestly, it is one of the things that I miss while working in Malaysia - getting in touch with my old friends personally. I hope that more people would come and visit KL in the next couple of months =) |
posted by subhuman @ 6:22 PM  |
Saturday, January 13, 2007 |
Unwell |
I have a weird feeling. I'm not sick but I don't feel well. I'm not sure if this is due to my PMS. Recently I feel grumpy and wanted to be alone so that I can do my own thing.
I feel trapped. Maybe its because I see the same people everyday. I go to the same place daily. My office is very near our house and most of the people from work live in the same area so I always see them. Also, my weekend routine where I clean the house, do my laundry, go to the mall got me bored. Now I wanted to do something different that would give me an opportunity to meet other people and go to other places (outside section 14 in PJ where I live AND work).
Anyway, I know I'll get over this soon. A few weeks from now, I'll be teaching at the embassy and my dorm mate Jopay will come here in Malaysia as a tourist. In the meantime, I'm now enjoying myself alone in our house while writing this post.. drinking a bottle of vodka ice and listening to loud alternative music. Now. I'm thinking of painting my nails with black nail polish. For my friends whose reading this post, you now have an idea on what I do when I don't feel good hehehe.. |
posted by subhuman @ 9:17 PM  |
Sunday, January 07, 2007 |
On solitude |
I am an introvert. I can attribute this with the fact that I am an only child. Most of the people who grew up as an only child were misunderstood. This is because most of them have a hard time expressing themselves.
As an only child, I dont have a playmate at home so I have to settle with the toys that I had and got used on playing alone. During work days, my parents usually leave me at home. There were times when we had no helper to keep me company and our neighbor could only check on me occasionally so I knew what it was like to be alone at the age of 9. Imagine how scared I was when I remember all the ghost stories my playmates told me but I learned how to deal with it eventually since I had no choice.
There was also an instance that at the age of 13, my parents had no choice but to meet me at Cubao. Cubao is not a safe place to begin with. I had to travel from Bulacan to Cubao all by myself and its a good thing that I have a good sense of direction and nothing bad happened to me.
These are some of the things that happened to me while growing up which made me become comfortable on being alone. I can go to a moviehouse all by myself if I dont have a friend to come with me (I usually watch independent or non-English foreign films). I can explore an unfamiliar place alone. I also find it easier to deal with myself rather than worry about other people. Since I'm comfortable on doing things on my own, I didn't worry that much if I started on my own when I moved to college, got my first job or went to my onshore assignment.
Don't get me wrong. I am not really a loner. I have lots of friends. But when it comes to making friends, I tend to be picky. I'd rather have a few friends whom I can maintain a long lasting relationship rather than have lots of acquaintances and build a meaningless relationship with them. I also find it hard to trust people as I believe that it would take time to build a friendship.
A lot of people may not understand why some people choose to be like this and feel sorry for these people. As a matter of fact, I don't think there's something wrong with being alone. Being alone allows me to reflect on things. So even though I'm surrounded with lots of people, I always make it a point to make time for myself.
Let me end this entry with a quote from Albert Einstein about solitude: “Solitude is painful when one is young, but delightful when one is more mature.” |
posted by subhuman @ 10:47 PM  |
Welcome 2007 |
Welcome 2007!!
Today is a new year and as usual, most of the people are making their resolutions. I admit that I'm one of them. So here is a list of the things that I want to accomplish this year:
- more weight to lose (yihaa!!) para mag-improve ang aking fashion statement ahihihi.. - explore my musicality by enrolling myself in voice lessons, learning how to play an instrument, exposing myself to the musical community (naks!) by joining a choir or joining an audition (karir na ito!) - teach to know what its like to be a real teacher. This is the only time that I will admit this but I am happy when I was able to share my knowledge to other people and I find it fulfilling to see when people learn from me - to travel to any country outside Asia - to reach out more to people and be less of an introvert.. i need to expand my social circle so that I wont limit myself to IT people. - to become expressive to my family and friends. - hmm.. more boylets? ahahahaha!!!
My wish of course for this year is to end my quarter life crisis as I really dont know yet what I wanted to do with my life. This is the reason why I wanted to try a lot of things and find myself to know what I really want. This may seem a lot to achieve but I got a whole year to do that? So wish me luck =) |
posted by subhuman @ 10:25 PM  |
Thursday, January 04, 2007 |
2006 in retrospect |
So what's the best topic that I can post in the new year? A recap of what happened to me in the previous year.
But before I mention about my goals for the new year, I can say that 2006 has been a year that's full of challenges, lessons learned and I would consider as one of the turning point of my life. The year started with uncertainty and doubts which caused me to think on what I really wanted to do with my career and my life. Since there's no enough reason for me to stay in my previous job, I decided to move to another job in Malaysia. Unlike in my onshore assignment where all expenses were paid by my company, I am responsible with everything - from house maintenance, budget and dealing with people. I also find it challenging to live in a country that I'm not familiar with unlike in the US which has a big influence in the Filipino culture. It was hard to deal with it at first as I have many questions if I made the right decision. But eventually, I found out a lot of things about myself and have no regrets in making this decision.. there are things that I never thought I could become and its amazing to know that I can become this person. Also, I am glad that I was able to have a mature relationship with others and I know that I can depend on them - unlike when I was way back home where my world revolved in my work.
Living in another country taught me to deal with the fact that I will be away from my family and friends. I need to learn on how to be expressive with what I feel. Another trade off of living in another country is that I wasn't able to say goodbye to my friend Arnel, who ended his battle with cancer. It was really hard to deal with his loss especially when there's no people around me who's not really close to him.
Overall, I'm grateful with what happened to me this year even though I felt it was an emotional roller coaster ride. But I think it was a great one because I knew that I became a better person. And I know that it wont stop here.
posted by subhuman @ 12:43 AM  |
Comeback |
Happy new year everyone!
It's been a long time since I last updated my blog and I apologize for that. Well, I've been busy with a lot of things - from night chatting with my housemates, doing the household chores and errands that we need to run. But since I bought the latest compilation of the Youngblood articles, it inspired me to write my thoughts again. Sometimes I would imagine myself as Carrie, writing an article for her Sex and the City column (except that I'm not writing about it for now..masisira ang image ko hehehe). I admit that I don't really have a knack for writing, but I love to read other people's thoughts in their blog, in the newspaper (Youngblood) and in the web (Peyups has been one of my favorite websites).
I hope that I would be able to catch up this blog with all the things that happened to me while I'm still here in Malaysia. So please bear with me as I update my blog. |
posted by subhuman @ 12:16 AM  |
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passionate about music; an aspiring teacher; a frustrated mathematician; an explorer |
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