Thursday, January 04, 2007 |
Comeback |
Happy new year everyone!
It's been a long time since I last updated my blog and I apologize for that. Well, I've been busy with a lot of things - from night chatting with my housemates, doing the household chores and errands that we need to run. But since I bought the latest compilation of the Youngblood articles, it inspired me to write my thoughts again. Sometimes I would imagine myself as Carrie, writing an article for her Sex and the City column (except that I'm not writing about it for now..masisira ang image ko hehehe). I admit that I don't really have a knack for writing, but I love to read other people's thoughts in their blog, in the newspaper (Youngblood) and in the web (Peyups has been one of my favorite websites).
I hope that I would be able to catch up this blog with all the things that happened to me while I'm still here in Malaysia. So please bear with me as I update my blog. |
posted by subhuman @ 12:16 AM  |