Thursday, July 12, 2007 |
CCMS Team Building - Reality TV becomes Reality |
I used to be a fan of Reality TV shows. My college friends have a big influence on this. Most of them are suckers for Survivor, especially Ulysses. I watched the Amazing Race because of them, which later became one of my favorite shows. I used to watch Survivor, Big brother, the bachelor (yeah i know this show sucks) and other reality TV shows whose title I can't remember. Being a regular viewer of these reality TV shows, I always wonder what its like to be a contestant. Annie, our former helper, used to watch the Amazing Race and usually we would often imagine that we're among the,. Fortunately, for our team building, the main event was the Amazing Race. Last weekend, half of my project mates went to Genting View hotel for our annual team building event. This activity almost did not push through because our company has a strict policy when it comes to team bulding. A significant number of people had left our company which our management finally used as a reason for us to have team building in the first place; the human resource office finally granted us to have our team bulding event.
Last year, I was 1-hour late so I made sure this year that this won't happen. Gen and Zari made sure that I woke up early by calling me. I didn't eat my breakfast so that I could make it on the 7:00 AM "call time". There were 2 buses that brought us to Genting. Of course, 1 of them is a bus exclusively for the Filipinos since half of the population of CCMS who joined the team building are my fellow kababayans. Knowing how the Filipinos behave on a bus trip, it was a fun trip for all of us. That morning, we arrived at the Genting View hotel when most of us had an empty stomach. Jega, the facilitator, had a series of icebreakers which in my opinion are not that effective.. because what we need was FOOD!!! Anyway, our first activity was to form teams for the entire team building activity. There were 6 teams composed of 6-7 people. My teammates (Chih Kok, Foo, Mazlan, Nurol, Kristin and Homer) decided to call ourselves DIE HARD 7 (from Bruce Willis' latest movie). Good thing that Homer is an artist which helped a lot when we made our banner.
Anyway, here are the activities that consisted our team building: 1. Amazing Race. This is the highlight of the team building. We were divided into teams and we need to perform several tasks to complete the race. Note that there will be no elimination.
For our first task, we need to form the castle of Atlantis. We were given a set of Lego blocks and build it based from the blueprint located at the middle of the pool. For our team, Mazlan swam to look for the blueprint and we were the 4th team to complete this task.

For the second task, we were asked to look for these objects: 7 human hair, 7 leaves, 7 stones with shapes (like a star, house, etc) and 7 kinds of mushrooms. It was funny because we had to search for these items in a place that is similar to Camp John Hay in Baguio. Also, some of my colleagues got lost while looking for these items.. fortunately, none in our team got lost!
Third task, we need to fill 3 500-ml bottles with water from the creek. The challenge here is that we were given a 1-ft tube (with 0.5 inch diameter) that we can fill in with water from the creek and that needs to be passed among the group members. It was one of the easiest task of the game and we managed to complete it within the 3 minute time frame.
The fourth and most challenging tasks is called the landmines. In this task, one member must cros the so-called landmines blindly; our foot should never step on the landmine and we had to rely on the instructions of our teammate on the other end of the maze. Believe me, it's really difficult because there are 7 teams shouting for the instructions and I can't really figure out who is my teammate. Unfortunately, I was not able to complete this task :( The last task required us to use our brains. We were given a mathematical problem. Fortunately, Chih Kok figured out the solution easily and our team was the first one who completed that task.And that concludes our Amazing Race.. after that, we ate our lunch :) 2. Survivor. Okay, the next activity is actually called Escape from Alcatraz. In this task, we were given an incomplete blueprint of the prison. We need to complete the whole prison map. The complete map is found at the other side of the hall but we need to rely on our good memory to complete this task because we can't use a camera or a pen and paper to complete the map. Before the start of the game, the facilitator said that there are two roles for this game: the saboteur and the non saboteur and everyone of us were given a piece of paper to determine if we're a saboteur or not. I got a paper that indicated that I am not a saboteur. However, due to my poor memory, I committed a lot of mistakes which caused my teammates to suspect as a saboteur. Once accused by two team members, we needed to undergo a trial. There were 8 of us who were suspected of being a saboteur were given a few minutes to "defend" ourselves. This scene reminded me of the tribal counsel in Survivor, where each team can pick the person to be eliminated based on whose the biggest threat to the team. After we gave our respective speeches, it was revealed that there was no saboteur at all. 3. Big Brother. All of us stayed in a villa with 3 rooms (similar to the rest house in Tagaytay). Each room has 2 people in it. The original plan was for me to stay with a fellow Filipino colleague but at the last minute, she swapped with a Malay colleague so I ended up as the only Filipino in our house. My fellow housemates were all Malaysians - 2 Chinese, 1 Malay and 1 Indian. I didn't this setup at all since I only planned to sleep that night. I had a chit chat with them for a few minutes before I went to bed.The next morning, I was still lazy to wake up and take a bath. One of my housemates noticed this and asked me if I always take a bath. I found this question to be weird but it is more of a cultural thing. Anyway, this question paved the way to clarify some of my misconceptions which I would rather not say. Anyway, I managed to "survive" in that house which is a good experience.. it was my first time to stay in a house where I am the only foreigner.4. The Apprentice. For our task for the second day, it was referred as East Indies Company. In this activity, we were divided into 6 countries - Philippines (my team), Singapore, India, Indochina, Indonesia and Borneo. Each countries were given with commodities such as timbre, silver, rice, and rubber. We need to do a barter trade among the countries and the period of the whole game is for 6 months. Each month, the profit of each country were computed. The winners will be determined based from 2 criteria: the highest profit and the trust given by the other countries which was decided based from the rating provided by the other countries. It was a very tiring but fun activity. We became the country with the second highest profit. Unfortunately, we were the 2nd lowest country when it comes to trust.  After this activity, we ate our lunch and the winners of the Amazing Race contest were announced. Fortunately, our team won!!! Woohoo!!! 
I really enjoyed this team building activity. The location was nice and the activities were fun. =) I had a blast!!!
posted by subhuman @ 9:12 PM  |
Thursday, July 05, 2007 |
Buhay Kolehiyo |
Just a break from serious blogging, I came across this answer sheet from Friendster. Anyway just for fun, I wanted to post it =)
1.ANO'NG STUDENT NUMBER MO?- 98040290.. Shet kabisado ko pa kahit 5 years na ang nakakaraan haha =P
3. SECOND CHOICE- BS Commerce major in Information Systems Management
4. ANO COURSE MO NA NATAPOS?- BS Math Major in ComSci
5. NAG-SHIFT KA BA?- Almost.. nawindang kc ako sa kaka-program, nagbalak akong mag change ng major to Actuarial Science, kaya lang at the last minute I changed my mind.
6. CHINITO/CHINITA KA BA?- nope.. pinoy na pinoy hihihi..
7. NAKAPAG-DORM/CONDO KA BA?- yep. Nag-dorm ako sa may Sacred Heart Ladies Dorm sa may Dapitan. Sobrang na-enjoy ko ang dormlife ko :)
8. NAKA UNO KA BA?- Yep :)
9. NAG-KA 3 KA NA BA?- Nope :)
10. LAGI KA BANG PUMAPASOK SA KLASE?- Yes.. I was a diligent student.
11. MAY SCHOLARSHIP KA BA?- Nope kc may educational plan na ako
12. ILANG UNITS NA ANG NAIPASA MO?- Shucks ndi ko na maalala hahaha!!!
13. NANGARAP KA BA NA MAG-CUM LAUDE?- Hindi.. sa hirap ng course ko.. sapat na ang makapasa hehehe...
14. FAVE PROF- Prof Del Rosario (kahit terror sya), Prof Martin (the best Math prof for me), Prof Decena, Prof Benjamin (I enjoyed Integral Calculus because of her =P), Prof Ward (my Literature prof.. I enjoyed that class)
15. WORST TEACHER- Marami pero isa ang memorable for me - si Prof Grande (Physics). Tanong nyo na lang ako kung bakit hehehe..
16. FAVE SUBJECT/S - Statistics, Probability (latter part na), Analytic Geometry, Integral Calculus, C programming, PE (volleyball), Phil Constitution, Literature, COBOL Programming (nyahahahaha)..
17. WORST SUBJECT/S: Almost all of my English subjects - except Literature (kasi naman nagagalit palagi ung mga English prof namin kc bokya kami sa grammar), Solid Geometry (I really hate that subject), some Social Science subjects (except constitution and classes with Prof Sarreal hehe).
18. FAVE BUILDING- UST Main Building - my home :), Medicine Building kc ang daming cute na med proper students at ang Central Library (suki ako dun)
19. PABORITONG KAINAN: Jollibee, Merrie's, Brbs, Paotsin (influence ni Ruby sa akin, roomie ko), yung bilihan ng milkshake sa may P Noval (ndi ko na naman maalala), UST Coop.
20. NUNG ESTUDYANTE KA PA MAGKANO BAANG BINABAYAD MO SA JEEP?- Hmm.. walking distance lang ang dorm ko sa campus.. pero ang minimum fare na ata noon, 4 pesos (waah! hindi ko na maalala!!)
21. LAGI KA BA SA LIBRARY?- BWAHAHAHA!!! Kung wala ako sa dorm pag walang class, asahan mong nasa library, especially sa SciTech section.. I was branded by my classmates as the student who comes to the library the hindi para matulog.. oo na, aminado na akong geek ako as a student - but I love being surrounded by books :)
22. NAGPUNTA KA BA SA CLINIC NUN ?- Yep.. since libre naman kami sa UST Hospital.. why not? :)
23. MAY CRUSH KA BA SA CAMPUS?- of course!John Paul Ong (Mr Nursing who later shifted to Math Actuarial Sci hihi) - naging classmate ko sya sa Phil Constitution (no wonder fave ko ung class na yun hihi).. Yung iba hindi ko na maalala ung name - yung 1 is yung look alike ni Matt Mendoza na matangkad na member ng UST Science Glee Club (course mate ko rin sya hihihi) tapos yung isa is yung cute na guy na naging partner ng dean namin nung nagsayaw sa Science Variety show na kahawig ni Vincci ng parokya ni edgar hehehe.. at lastly, si Jimbo ng Bio Acce (cute na, brainy pa hehe).
24. ANU-ANO ANG MGA NAGING PE MO?- Dancing, Gymnastics (lahat ng freshman, ito ang PE), Table tennis and Volleyball (buti na lang kahit papanu fave ko ang mga sports na ito hehe).
25.KAMUSTA NAMAN ANG BLOCK NYO?- 4B Math 2002 is the best. Makulay ang buhay - sobrang diverse man ang personalities namin pero masaya hehehe.
26. MEMORIZE MO BA ANG ALMA MATER SONGNIYO?- Ang alam ko lang yung chorus part :)
27. MEMBER KA BA NG VARSITY TEAM?- Nope.. I almost joined the Science Volleyball team though (sayang)
28. NAKA-PERFECT KA NA BA NG EXAM? - Yup.. geek ako e.
29. DITO KA BA NATUTONG UMINOM NG BEER?- Hmm.. good girl ako nung college - mahigpit ang mga madre sa dorm kaya may curfew wehehehe..
posted by subhuman @ 11:11 PM  |
Updates |
It’s been a long time since I last updated my blog. Well there are 2 main reasons - first, we have no internet access at home and second, I was on support last week.
So many things have happened since the fire incident. Its been a long time since I last updated my blog and I really miss it before I fall asleep and it already become my habit.
For two weeks, Agri’s parents have stayed in our house for two weeks. Now I know where Agri’s genes came from when it comes to cracking a joke - her father. It is really obvious how Agri loves her parents; there’s a sparkle in her eyes every time she ‘s with them. I can’t help but feel amazed because I’ve seen a different side of Agri - that of a loving daughter. No wonder when her parents left, she was really sad.
One of my favorite sports is volleyball. One of my biggest regrets as a student was that I’ve declined to join the volleyball team twice because of my height - when I was in high school and in college. I was active in volleyball when I was in grade school and in college, I usually played with my classmates. During college, it came to a point that we would usually play after our class everyday and I lost a lot of weight because of that.
I missed playing volleyball. I joined the Accenture Volleyball League for 1 year but decided not to continue in the following year because the games are usually held late in the evening and I have to travel 2 hours to go home (much to my father’s dismay who does not sleep until I get home).
This time, I’m glad that there’s a league that was organized by FILSAMA - Filipino Sports Association in Malaysia. My colleagues in Scope formed a team and I decided to join. Unfortunately, I was on support on our first game and I didn’t get enough sleep so I don’t have enough energy to play. Next week is our second game but unfortunately, we will have our team building activity so I’m not sure if I can join the game (but I’m keeping my fingers crossed). Well wish me luck.
Anyway, I’m still glad that there’s a venue for me to play volleyball and that I mingle with my colleagues in sports setting.
My company had a singing contest - the Scope Idol. Since I love to sing, I just gave it a shot. Well, the prize is really attractive - RM 3000. But the main reason why I wanted to join is just to have fun and for me to experience what it’s like to be in a competition. Anyway, this is not an amateur professional singing contest so maybe its worth the experience. I just hope I wiill meet my goal.
There will be a series of auditions (I think there are 5) before the finals. Next week, the first 2 preliminary auditions will be held. I just wish that this won’t be in conflict with me going home next week.
For my audition, I’m planning to sing Sweet Love by Anita Baker. I just hope that I would be able to give my best on this one ;-) Wish me luck!
I just can’t hide my excitement. I’m going home next week! I’ll be staying in Manila for more than a week, just enough time for me to catch up with my family and friends. Some of the activities that I’m really looking forward to is the Harry Potter movie gimmick with the Parokya gang (my college barkada). I’ve watched all the 3 previous films with them (I was in the US when the 3rd movie was shown so I watched with my cousin) and I’m glad to watch it again with them. Yes, we’re all certified Potterheads. In fact, one of our favorite past times was to answer the Harry Potter quizzes online and later, we joined a Harry Potter trivia contest held in SM Mega mall a few years back (which by the way only happened by accident).
This weekend, our project will be having a team buidling. All the project members are required to attend the team building activity and the reason must be valid for us not to attend the team building. Good thing that it will be held at Genting Highlands Resort. One of the activities that will be conducted is the Amazing Race. Finally! I can finally play in a game inspired by one of my favorite TV shows! :) I’m really looking forward for it.
posted by subhuman @ 10:42 PM  |
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passionate about music; an aspiring teacher; a frustrated mathematician; an explorer |
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