Thursday, July 05, 2007 |
Updates |
It’s been a long time since I last updated my blog. Well there are 2 main reasons - first, we have no internet access at home and second, I was on support last week.
So many things have happened since the fire incident. Its been a long time since I last updated my blog and I really miss it before I fall asleep and it already become my habit.
For two weeks, Agri’s parents have stayed in our house for two weeks. Now I know where Agri’s genes came from when it comes to cracking a joke - her father. It is really obvious how Agri loves her parents; there’s a sparkle in her eyes every time she ‘s with them. I can’t help but feel amazed because I’ve seen a different side of Agri - that of a loving daughter. No wonder when her parents left, she was really sad.
One of my favorite sports is volleyball. One of my biggest regrets as a student was that I’ve declined to join the volleyball team twice because of my height - when I was in high school and in college. I was active in volleyball when I was in grade school and in college, I usually played with my classmates. During college, it came to a point that we would usually play after our class everyday and I lost a lot of weight because of that.
I missed playing volleyball. I joined the Accenture Volleyball League for 1 year but decided not to continue in the following year because the games are usually held late in the evening and I have to travel 2 hours to go home (much to my father’s dismay who does not sleep until I get home).
This time, I’m glad that there’s a league that was organized by FILSAMA - Filipino Sports Association in Malaysia. My colleagues in Scope formed a team and I decided to join. Unfortunately, I was on support on our first game and I didn’t get enough sleep so I don’t have enough energy to play. Next week is our second game but unfortunately, we will have our team building activity so I’m not sure if I can join the game (but I’m keeping my fingers crossed). Well wish me luck.
Anyway, I’m still glad that there’s a venue for me to play volleyball and that I mingle with my colleagues in sports setting.
My company had a singing contest - the Scope Idol. Since I love to sing, I just gave it a shot. Well, the prize is really attractive - RM 3000. But the main reason why I wanted to join is just to have fun and for me to experience what it’s like to be in a competition. Anyway, this is not an amateur professional singing contest so maybe its worth the experience. I just hope I wiill meet my goal.
There will be a series of auditions (I think there are 5) before the finals. Next week, the first 2 preliminary auditions will be held. I just wish that this won’t be in conflict with me going home next week.
For my audition, I’m planning to sing Sweet Love by Anita Baker. I just hope that I would be able to give my best on this one ;-) Wish me luck!
I just can’t hide my excitement. I’m going home next week! I’ll be staying in Manila for more than a week, just enough time for me to catch up with my family and friends. Some of the activities that I’m really looking forward to is the Harry Potter movie gimmick with the Parokya gang (my college barkada). I’ve watched all the 3 previous films with them (I was in the US when the 3rd movie was shown so I watched with my cousin) and I’m glad to watch it again with them. Yes, we’re all certified Potterheads. In fact, one of our favorite past times was to answer the Harry Potter quizzes online and later, we joined a Harry Potter trivia contest held in SM Mega mall a few years back (which by the way only happened by accident).
This weekend, our project will be having a team buidling. All the project members are required to attend the team building activity and the reason must be valid for us not to attend the team building. Good thing that it will be held at Genting Highlands Resort. One of the activities that will be conducted is the Amazing Race. Finally! I can finally play in a game inspired by one of my favorite TV shows! :) I’m really looking forward for it.
posted by subhuman @ 10:42 PM  |
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passionate about music; an aspiring teacher; a frustrated mathematician; an explorer |
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