Sunday, April 01, 2007 |
The week that was.. |
I don't know how I'm going to describe the week that I have. Well, as you all know, I've been on support for the past week. Unlike in my previous shift where I got paged every night due to batch related jobs and I don't have a laptop with me, this time, the beeps that I received are not batch related (except on my first night as support which is after our implementation). On Wednesday until Friday night, I didn't receive any page (wee!) and the calls that I received on Saturday night are mere user request (so Rey, applicable ba d2 yung treat mo sa akin sa Green Box nito? =P). Even the month-end jobs that I'm expecting to abend were executed successfully!
I'm not only on support that time, Minnie was on support as well so I opted to sleep there for the whole week (thanks Minnie for adopting me and for helping me as well =P). Since she and Gen are preparing for their new unit, I also had a chance to meet its owner - Simon and Yong (I wish I remembered their names correctly). Minnie and Gen are so lucky to have them as their owners because they are so cool. They liked Minnie and Gen so much to become their tenant that they bought everything for them, including the curtains, pillow case, towels, bedside table, DVD player, shoe rack and drum set. Last Thursday night, I hang out in their new apartment (which is so cool) and they treated us for dinner. The couple had developed fondness for the Filipinos (just like Daniel Teh from the Toastmasters) because they had a stint there and find us to be fun-loving. And I find them cool as well. The couple have their own IT firm and were once mainframe programmers. I had a great time chatting with them that night and its nice that I get to meet them as well =) I hope I have more chance to hang out with them in the future =P
Saturday night, Bing invited some of her CCMS friends for a surprise birthday party for Revner. Of course, the party won't be complete without the magic mic, so Minnie, Jonathan (si Tatang naman, shy pa hehehe), Mamu (Bing's housemate) and I were taking turns singing. It was only my first time to meet Mamu that night. Mamu turned out to be a member of a choir in the Assumption Church and she invited me to join their group. It is interesting because she mentioned about their musical director who's working as an architect but he studied Music in UK. Well, she did know how to convince me to join =P but maybe next month when I'm no longer busy.
As you all know, my parents have arrived but I'm going to discuss this in another blog. As of this writing, I'm hanging out with Mars and Agri in the living room. This is something that I miss doing because we rarely do this since everyone has been busy during work days. I wish we'll get to do this more often.
Anyway, this is what happened to me for the past week and I'm looking forward on a great week ahead of me =P
posted by subhuman @ 8:11 PM  |