I have finally moved to a new apartment! After 3 weeks of looking with my agent, Kim, I have transferred to a new apartment near our workplace. It’s a three bedroom apartment at the 13th floor (yes! The lucky number). Actually, I learned that 13 is not considered as a bad number for Malaysians.. They are actually scared of the number 4 because it means death in Chinese. So most buildings in Malaysia has 3A after the 3rd floor. My roommate Mars and I are not superstitious so this won’t be a problem for us.
We’re lucky that we got an apartment that is newly renovated. Also, most of the furnitures provided to us are new. The tenants before us are actually the owners, Mr. Rama and Ms. Juduth, who just moved to a bigger unit at the 14th floor (same building). They were actually nice and generous to give us all our appliances and furnitures. They were nice but they have a condition: we should never conduct a party in our house and we must maintain the peacefulness of the place (as long as our neighbors won’t complain). It will be hard to break this rule since our unit is just a stone throw away from their house.
Anyway, the living room is composed of 2 sofa sets: 1 big couch with a blue and white checkered upholstery and another set composed of 1 three-seater and 2 one-seater couch with red and white upholstery. Can you imagine, red and blue! It is nice when put separately but the combinations seems weird to me though. Nina actually teased me to put on some yellow throw pillows with stars, sun or moon designs so that it would match the Philippine or Malaysian flag (tamang tama sa Merdeka day haha!). The TV rack was also placed away from the couch so Mars and I moved it in front of the couch; only to find out that the cable connection is actually near its original position. But its okay though since we’re not planning to get a cable anytime soon. When we opened the television, it can only retrieve 2 stations but its not clear though. Mars and I thought that it will be better if we either buy a DVD or an antenna. So in the next couple of weeks, we’re not going to watch television so we have to entertain ourselves. I don’t think this would be a problem since we can keep ourselves busy doing household chores.
 A few steps away from the living room is the dining area. It is composed of large marble table with 6 wooden chairs and 2 cupboards where all the dining sets should be placed. Actually, Efren described it as something that is similar to a grave. We joked that since we ‘re in the 13th floor, we could just light a candle and play the ouija board (I hope I got the spelling correctly). In front of the dining room are the 2 chairs that used to be a part of the living room but since we placed the TV rack in its original position, we moved it there to become the receiving area. The living room and dining area is filled with old rose-colored tiles.
 The kitchen has a lot of wooden cabinets which was only varnished with a neutral color to give a beige theme. However our major appliances - the ref and the washing machine, are both gray in color which makes our kitchen’s theme as beige and gray (kinda weird huh?). Beside the kitchen is the laundry area. Since we’re on the 13th floor, it is windy and is a good place to hang our clothes as it would definitely be dry within a day. However, the owner warned us to close the window near the stairs because a strayed cat once entered the laundry area by passing at that window.
My (master’s) bedroom has a beige and brown theme; the floor is beige and the varnished wooden cabinets and dresser. I bought a cream colored bed sheet to blend with the room color to fit my queen sized bed. My bathroom has a gray color; it has a gray door and gray tiles. I’m planning to put a carpet to serve as a resting place where I could read magazines (or perhaps write a blog) but I’m still thinking about since I’m so lazy to clean and I want a low maintenance room.
My friend Nina commented that our the parts Pardon me if the description that I put in this blog seems vague. I am not really good at it but perhaps you can take a look at the pictures so that you’ll know what it looks like and see for yourself.