Monday, May 02, 2005 |
So long, Wijo |
Wijo died this morning. He got infected with the same virus that killed Liit. He was only 7 months old.

I got Wijo from Myla, my officemate, as a replacement for Liit who died several months ago. He is a half-pomeranian, half- spitz and still looks like a puppy with his small built. We got him last November and he spent Christmas and New Year with us. When we got him home, we were bothered that our other dog, Puti, will not like him at all. But after 2 hours, Wijo slept on Puti's tail as if Puti was his mother. My family was very touched about it that i took a picture of them sleeping together.
Wijo was a complement to Puti's playful behavior. Puti likes to spank Wijo but Wijo does not mind at all. It's their game. Puti eats as if he's on race while Wijo would chew his food very slowly. So it ends up with Puti taking Wijo's food. But Wijo was smart enough to hide in the corner where Puti won't be able to fit in. Puti likes to take a bath while Wijo is afraid of water. Puti always initiates the spanking game and no matter how painful Puti hits Wijo, he's not pikon but he knows how to fight back. Wijo always sleeps on a blanket but later at night he would sleep beside Wijo.
So what will I miss about Wijo? When I come home, he always likes me to carry him. I usually pretend to ignore him so that he would put his tiny little paw on my foot so that I would notice him. He's a sweet little puppy. He likes to play on our feet when we're outside our door. Hinahatid pa nya ako when I leave for work until I ride the tricycle. He's been my favorite subject for photographs as he would willingly pose (he has lots of adorable pictures). I will always remember him as malambing, which I think is very rare for a male dog.
Although I've only known him for a few months, he will always have a special place in my heart. I rather see him die now than for him to suffer like Liit did. I hope that he's happy now with Boogie, Kring kring and Liit in heaven. I'm looking forward on the day when I will see them. But for the meantime, I still have Puti to shower my affection. |
posted by subhuman @ 12:27 AM  |
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passionate about music; an aspiring teacher; a frustrated mathematician; an explorer |
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