Monday, January 17, 2005
I’ve been toxic with my work for the past week that I wasn’t able to update this space. The previous week made me think a lot about my career due to a series of events.

Last Tuesday, I had a dinner with my team leads from my team. It was a casual dinner and the one of the things that we chatted is about the direction of our respective careers in the next six months. One of my team leads had her roll off postponed to November because the upper management refused to grant it (even if our project lead thinks that our team can survive without her). I found out that she was the last to get promoted to senior team lead in her batch even if she was the first one to perform the team lead role among her batch mates. I found out that in order to secure a promotion in the project, one must have an influential ‘backer’ to convince all the managers that a promotion is needed.

How does it affect me? I’m one of the unlucky employees that was not included in the list of promotees last year. I was really frustrated because I believe that I deserve it. In fact, during my stay in Phoenix, I was able to support our application alone. Promoted or not, I am expected to perform the tasks in the project for the next level. And I don’t think its fair for me to receive the same level of compensation when I am expected to do a more difficult task. Given what happened to me last year, I’ve decided that I would leave the company once I reached my third year in the project. There are 2 things that would keep me from doing that: when I get promoted this year and when I become one of the application specialist.

Back to our dinner, I realized that even if I get what I want this year, I will still have to struggle with the promotion. What happened to me next year might occur again in the next few years. One more thing, if my team lead is not allowed to leave our team as an application specialist, there’s no way that we can step up.

On Thursday, my project lead about his plans for our team during our meeting. He mentioned that more team members will add up this year and he’s still thinking if he would get another senior programmer to become one of our team leads or he would get one among the remaining senior members.

On Friday, one of my batch mates (from my start group) got back in the office after six months of working onshore. I learned that he will become one of our team leads. I’m not surprised with this since he told me while he’s still on his onshore assignment, our manager had a loyalty check with him. It’s not a big deal to me if he becomes the team lead first even if I stayed in the team longer.

My friend who used to be in our team advised me that I need to perform well on my tasks and let the right people know that I’m no longer happy. In this case, they will start to notice me and give me what I want.

Last Friday night, a friend informed me that her employer will go in Manila to conduct a recruitment for IT professionals to work in Singapore and Kuala Lumpur. I’m starting to create my resume, keeping my options open.
posted by subhuman @ 2:24 PM  
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