Sunday, February 13, 2005 |
Something Mushy… |
Alright, change topic.. Since the Valentines day is fast approaching, let me write something about Love. I saw my former dorm mate Debbie last Sunday. We watched a movie and ate (no wonder why we often complain about our weight) and one of the things that we talked about is the L word. I admit that at this point of my life, I wanted to experience what it’s like to be in a relationship but I’m very afraid to do so. She mentioned to me that I should give dating a shot. I told her that I don’t believe in dating because I think its insincere and that the guys would judge me based on their first impression. She told me that I need to get out of my comfort zone and take risks. It’s funny because I gave Debbie this advice before and I can’t remember saying this to her.. Love is like a roller coaster. It seems scary but you wouldn’t know what it feels like unless you try it.
It seems that I’m too old to have this dilemma because most of the people at my age are getting married. When I like a guy, I really keep it to myself . I’m afraid that it’s not worth for me to show it because I’m afraid of being rejected. There are also instances where I met some guys but I was the one who would stop the communication. I know I’m turning into a pathetic loser. My best friend told me that I’m a spinster forever if I continue doing this. Oh God I hope not.
Debbie mentioned that in order for me to be loved, I should learn how love myself first. If this is the case, then I guess I need to spend time doing that. Today may not be the right time for me to be involved, but I'm hoping that when the right time comes, I'll cherish it.
posted by subhuman @ 2:42 PM  |
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passionate about music; an aspiring teacher; a frustrated mathematician; an explorer |
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