Okay.. so its an hour before my birthday when I started writing this. Anyway, since I already wrote my birthday acknowledgement speech, what should be the theme of my birthday entry? Thanks to Gen, she asked me earlier what is the memorable birthday that I had.
It seems that I don't really have a birthday that stood out among the rest. But here are some of the things that happened to me on my previous birthdays (which I remember)
- Aug 30 was declared as a holiday in Bulacan to celebrate our provincial day. Usually, we don't have classes, so I usually stayed at home.
- On my 12th bday, I took the first NEAT exam. This is the first time that I took a national exam. I was quite unsure if I should had looked forward or had dreaded that day.
- Usually, my dormmates and I have a ritual that at 12 midnight, we will light a candle and sing Happy Birthday to the celebrant. I was sung by my dormmates for 3 years :D - On my 18th birthday, I attended my dormmate's debut party and we had a sleepover at the hotel (so parang nag debut na rin ako pero hindi ako ang celebrant hehehe)
- On my 22nd birthday, I was diagnosed with acute bronchitis and was confined at St Luke's. I celebrated my birthday in the hospital. Good thing that my relatives, college barkada, Debbie, Janjan and Arnel visited me.
- On my 23rd birthday, I was depressed. It was sad that my colleagues whom I get to spend most of my time with, I didn't feel that I was special (maybe I expected too much from them). I was quite disappointed and I almost went home in Bulacan so that I could get a chance to spend it with my family. Good thing that I didn't because my housemates then (Mavic, Lee and Annrhee) gave me a surprise. I realized that the best gift that I received that day was finding out who are the people that I can rely on.
- On my 25th birthday, I celebrated my first birthday outside the country. Just in time, our company is celebrating its independence day and we had a contest that's similar to Project Runway. Since it was my birthday, I was chosen as the model. I guess you know what happened ;)
Anyway, a very common question for birthday celebrants is about their wish. So how should I answer that - world peace? Nah.. Actually, I have a confession to make. Last year, I didn't have a birthday wish. I didn't ask for anything. I told myself that if I make a wish, I would end up expecting. On my 25th birthday, I was contented with what I had and that I could nto ask for more. And I asked God to just give me what he thinks should be the best gift for me. When I look back on my 25th year, I would say that I had a blast and I felt truly blessed. I may have my ups and downs but I knew that I became a better person.
So what's gonna be my wish on my 26th birthday? Well, I won't tell for now.. I'll just let you know what happens to me next year ;)
Hey there birthday girl! Sabi mo ayaw mo mag-wish. Ako na lang magwish para sayo.... simple lang naman... Have another wonderful year ahead of you. :P
Tick tock tick tock... the twelfth hour is coming near....
Happy Birthday!
---> Gen