Saturday, August 11, 2007 |
One year in Truly Asia: A Retrospect |
Yes, I've been working in Malaysia for a year now. Time flies so fast indeed. I want to look back at the things that happened to me for the past year which I think has been a blessing for me inspite of the good and bad things.
I have my first taste of independence here in Malaysia. Yes, even though I stayed in a dormitory during my college days and had been in an onshore assignment for 6 months in the US, I was dependent during that time from my parents and my former company. This time, I am finally on my own. I had to find my own place and have to pay my own bills. I was caught in situations that required me to make my own decisions. This is the time where I felt that I am an adult.
Career wise, working here exposed me to a totally different culture. I was used in working in an environment that adapted the American culture - professional, encouraging, results driven and organized. I was advised by Hazel not to expect much when it comes to work. Good thing that I listened to her. My current workplace is not as organized as my previous job and I realized how important the process is. Also the work culture is different because initiative is very important.
It was also here that I was exposed to real situations that every OFW deals with - homesickness, long distance relationship dilemmas and the reason why most of the people are willing to be away just to bring food on their table.
The best thing about working here are meeting people whom I've considered my family away from home. It's been a long time since I felt being this close to my friends. I feel so blessed to have them in this journey. They've guided me to become the person who I am right now - lighter (hindi sa akin galing yan hahaha!!), fun-loving, independent, sensitive, more responsible, feminine and confident.
Also, I have the motivation to do the things that I've been longing to do - teaching, writing, playing my favorite sports and singing. Doing my passions help me determine (although not totally) what I wanted to do with my life. It was only being here that I started to think what my purpose is.
It seems that 1 year just passed briefly but this is not yet the end of the journey. I know I still have a long way to go. But a lot of things happened and I hope that I will continue to change for good. I don't have any concrete plans as of now but I know that I eventually realize where I should go. Anyway, in the meantime, I'll just enjoy life to the fullest =) |
posted by subhuman @ 4:23 PM  |